Albu On Strategy

How to Make a Good Company GREAT!

Albu Consulting is a strategy management consulting firm and we believe that every company deserves to be great. So what is “Strategy Management” all about? It is about embracing the discipline of making smart business decisions and delivering on those decisions. It is about managers making better decisions, more often, with greater confidence every day and into the future. It unites strategy development and execution to become one.

Why is this important? Because business is:
Dynamic… a company’s business strategy needs to be flexible and adapt to the unexpected. Markets, customers and competitors change requiring prompt course corrections.

Continuous… a dynamic environment requires continuous attention and therefore strategy requires a process of monthly, quarterly and annual check-ins to monitor and assess the strategy and keep it in the forefront of key decision makers.

Collaborative… a continuous process will engage everyone in contributing to a great company and its strategy will become a part of everyone’s day-to-day activities. By being actively involved, the level of employee engagement and commitment increases dramatically.
To reinforce this message, here are a few quotes that speak to these three elements of strategy management. I hope they inspire you as much as they have motivated us.

”What we need to do is always lean into the future; when the world changes around you and when it changes against you – what used to be a tail wind is now a head wind – you have to lean into that and figure out what to do because complaining isn’t a strategy.”
Jeff Bezos

“Strategic planning is the continuous process of making present entrepreneurial (risk-taking) decisions systematically and with the greatest knowledge of their futurity; organizing systematically the efforts (activities) needed to carry out these decisions; and measuring the results of these decisions against the expectations through organized, systematic feedback.”
Peter Drucker

“Connect the dots between individual roles and the goals of the organization. When people see that connection, they get a lot of energy out of work. They feel the importance, dignity, and meaning in their job.”
Ken Blanchard

We wish you great success in 2016 and look forward to reconnecting in the New Year.

Posted in Newsletter, Strategy Management.
