Strategy development and execution that
improves performance.
Strategy Management for Private and Family Businesses
According to studies conducted over the last two decades, 80% of companies fail to realize the full potential of their strategy.* There are many reasons why this can happen, but most often it’s because there is a missing element — a disciplined strategy execution and management process.
It’s just this discipline that Albu Consulting’s strategy management approach delivers.
For nearly 25 years, we’ve been helping privately-held and family-owned businesses gain strategic focus by bringing strategy development and strategy execution together into a single integrated plan of action. That’s because we know strategy without execution will not lead to success, and our goal is your success.
No matter what your objectives — improving performance, increasing value, preparing for a leadership change or something else — let Albu Consulting help you develop a strategy and put the disciplines, processes and tools in place for seamless execution for realizing your long-term vision.
“Without strategy, execution is aimless.
Without execution, strategy is useless.”
— Morris Chang, CEO of TSMC
“I believe Albu Consulting is one of the most talented consulting firms in the business and if you want to grow your business, you should consider retaining Albu Consulting.”
—Bob Jackson, former President & COO of HT Marketing, Inc.
*The Execution Premium by Norton and Kaplan
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