4 “Rules of Engagement” that Drive Strategic Success
I believe there is always something new we can learn by meeting and speaking with people of varied backgrounds and experiences. In a recent conversation with a friend, I was very impressed with the way in which he had made strategy management the centerpiece of decision- making for everyone in his company. Essentially, strategy is a part of everyone’s day-to-day responsibility, and that is the ultimate level of strategy management we should all strive for. And how do you get to that level of strategy management? By following four basic “rules of engagement” that will make strategy management work for you.
Communication – It all starts with a very basic responsibility of every CEO… clearly communicating the strategy to everyone in the organization. It is in essence the core element of successful strategy management. Strategy needs to
be communicated at all levels (to the company, departments and one-on-one), and repeated often to the employees, reminding them of the current situation and overall strategic direction of the company.
Alignment – A relatively simple management principle is to ensure activities and goals are linked to the strategic initiatives. This does not happen by accident. It requires a disciplined approach to“cascade” the Vision, Mission, Strategic Initiatives, Goals and Tasks down through the organization systematically. Employees are motivated and energized when they understand their role in strategy implementation.
Commitment – Leadership is about empowering people to use their skills to get things done effectively, and getting buy-in from managers and employees on key strate- gies. Engage your employees in the process of building the implementation plan and they will take ownership of the goals and tasks.
Accountability – Creating an accountabili- ty-based culture focused on results is vital to ensuring great strategy execution. You create this culture by having processes and measure- ment criteria in place that clarify expectations for individuals and teams. An accountability- based culture happens when individuals hold themselves accountable for results.
On average companies only realize 60% of the strategic plan value. Would you like to increase the odds of success? We can help you. Give us a call.
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